Container ship : Container ship carries container cargo are
stowed in rows (abeam), bays (fore to after), and tiers (layers)
Liquid bulk cargo: Liquid bulk cargo is carried in tankers,
most tankers are design to carry crude oil or its refined product, such as fuel
oils. The oil carried in tanks
Bulk cargo : Bulk cargo consist of a single commodity, this
commodity usually carried loose, and bulk cargo can be divided into liquid or
dry bulk cargo
Bulk carriers : is specialized dry cargo in bulk carriers with large
cargo holds
Oil tankers : The ship are design to carry oil product and the oil
carried in tanks
Passenger ship : A passenger ship has been designed to carry
passengers, but some can also carry small amounts of cargo
LNG carriers : specialist ships designed to carry liquid natural gas
Ice breaker ship : ship designed for part bow for breaker ice
Coaster ; Coaster are small cargo vessels that carry cargo along
the cost or on short sea voyages
Liners : Are the ships sailing on regular routes on fixed
timetable, they sail whether full or not and their schedule is published in
Deep sea liner : Are the ships sailing on regular routes on
fixed timetable, they sail whether full or not and their schedule is published
in advance for ocean going voyage
Deep sea tramps : Deep sea tramps is the ship sailing on
irregular routes on unfixed timetable, they sail everywhere if there is cargo
to carry for ocean going voyage
VLCC (A very large crude carrier) : is a type of tankers ship carriers enormous
quantities of crude oil
- Chief engineer: The chief engineer is a head of the engine
department, And he is Responsible for the running of the whole power units to
the muster and Function as a Supervisor, Consultant, Decision Maker (the three
basic jobs).
Second engineers : The second engineer or assistant engineer as
they are sometimes called, who assist the chief engineer in operating and
maintaining the engineer on the vessel
Third engineer : is assistant engineer who responsible for
generators, boiler, emergency fire pump and life boat
Oilier : is a rating who responsibility for lubricating part of
the engine
Quarter master : he is rating of deck department
Purser : The purser is the head of catering department
Middle watch : is time duty at 08.00 to 24.00 hours
Deracination certificate : certificate issued quarantine and healthy
Suez canal : direct line from middle east to Europe
Bunker : Bunker is a activity of filling up fuel oil for ship where
the fuel for the engines is stored in tanks
Slow speed diesel : Slow speed diesel engines = 108 Rpm,
connection to the propeller without gear, mostly applied in tankers and bulk
carriers, low fuel consumption, and rather big in size
Medium speed diesel : Medium speed diesel engines are mostly
applied on Fast Cargo Liners, Tankers or Bulk Carriers = 150-450 Rpm, connected to
the propeller by gear, cheaper, smaller and lighter, smaller chipper ship
Full speed diesel engine : Maximum rotation from a diesel engine at
the ship
EHP : Effective Horse Power is the power developed by the
piston in the cylinder, but some off this is lost by friction within the engine
BHP : Brake Horse Power is the unit of power/ energy of an
Auxiliary machinery : auxiliary machinery is covers everything mechanical
on board ship except the main engines and boilers
Diesel engine : is a form of internal combustion engine and it is power
is expressed as brake horse power
Cooler : Cooler function is For cooling either oil or water, to supply the needs of Main engine and
Air compressor: Air compressor is a type of auxiliary machinery
functions to supply compressed air for
starting engines.
Anchor winch : the anchor winch of windlass is used to drop the anchor
and to heave in the anchor chain
Hull :
the hull of a ship contains
several watertight compartments, not only for safety reason but also for
practical purposes
Hull :
the main body of a ship
Generator : The generators that provide the electric current used
for any electrical equipment and lighting on board are commonly driven by steam
turbines on a turbine propelled ship and by diesel engines on a motor vessel
Electric generator : is a device to produce electric power, used
for auxiliaries and lighting system
Transformer : is a device used to transfer electric power (step
Desalination : is the removal of salt from sea water
Welding : Processing for connect two part of metal
Double bottom tank : is mainly for strength, but also for the
storage of fuel oil, lubricating oil, fresh water and ballast water
Ballast tank : is tank to water ballast to keep stability of ship
Bilge tank : is the specialist tank of dirty oil to prevention
marine pollution
Steam Turbine : propulsion power with change potential energy to
kinetic energy by steam
Boiler : is produced steam
by boiling water in a boiler, which is fired by oil
Screw driver : is tool for open screw or tighten the screw
Goggles : is spectacles using at times of welding and grinding
etc and it used to protect eyes from dust, sand etc
Governor : Governor is a device providing automatic control or to
regulate the rotation of engine
Bridge : is a crosswise platform above the main deck of a ship
from which the ship is controlled
Wheel pump : is designed to pump oil, usually using to fuel oil and
lubricating oil pump
Dredger : is hydraulic hatch cover system of cargo hold
Exhaust valve : is part of engine to regulate exhaust gases combustion
on cylinder to exhaust manifold
Water tube boiler : is external combustion engine, there is
water inside the pipe and fire outside the pipe
Fresh water : natural water, so we can drink, clean and other
Piston : engine device moving inside the cylinder to suction
and compress air for produce the power
Helmet : safety equipment for protect on the head
Emergency alarm : make a sound warning to all people on board
if something happened
Converter : is a device to convert alternating current (AC) into
direct current (DC)
Bow thruster : is a small propeller fitted in the bow of a ship, and
used for maneuvering
BDC : bottom death center is bottom position of piston in
Dynamo : is device converts mechanical energy into electric
energy or electric energy Into mechanical energy.
Salinometer valve : is a device to allow samples of water to be
drawn off for testing
Reciprocating motion : is the up and down movement of piston in
a cylinder
- An internal combustion engine converts
chemical energy into mechanical energy
- The diesel engine burns the diesel oil,
which is injected into the cylinder high pressure
- A generator is consist of dynamo which
driven by a diesel engine
- A direct current dynamo machine that is
converts an electric energy into mechanical
- With poor lubrication engine parts get worn
- When water reaches boiling point it
becomes steam
- When water reaches boiling point it
becomes steam
- When gas is cooled below a certain
temperature it liquefies
are four types of marine main engine.
compressors used supply compressed air for starting engine
are used for cooling either oil or water.
power of diesel engine is expressed as BHP.
places with in the rise pressure combustion.
( Make a logical compositions with the following information)
- 29/10/04 – MT.Boston – Greek
flag – Durban to Bombay – Crude oil – Mozambique and Mombassa – Indian ocean –
India – 12 days of voyage – 5 days unloading – 16/11/04 return
October the twenty ninth, 2004, The MT.Boston under the Greek flag left Durban to Bombay
with a cargo of crude oil. She called at Mozambique
and Mombassa, and then sailed straight across the Indian ocean to India , her voyage lasted 12 days, She spent 5
days unloading the cargo in the harbor
of Bombay and began her
return voyage on November the sixteenth , 2004
sedang mengamati putaran mesin induk dikamar mesin - The chief engineer is observing the
rotation of the main engine in the engine room
kuda efektif pada mesin diesel adalah tenaga yg dihasilkan oleh piston dalam
silinder, tetapi sebagian dari tenaga tersebut hilang karena gesekan dalam
mesin - Effective horse
power is the power developed by the piston in the cylinder, but some of this is
lost by friction within the engine
gas berbeda dari turbin uap - Gas turbine differ from steam turbine
uap tinggi diarahkan keserangkaian sudu sudu yg terpasang pada sebuah poros - High pressure steam is directed into a
series of blades or vanes attached to a shaft
pengoperasian kapal juga tergantung atas kecakapan dari KKM bekerja - The successful operation of the vessel
also depends upon the smoothness of the chief engineers work
bahan kimia tidak terdapat perbedaan antara gas, cair dan padat semuanya dibuat berdasarkan
susunan rumusnya - Chemically
there is no differences between the gas, the liquid, and solid, all of which
are made up of molecules with the formula
daging, dan susu biasanya dimuat dengan kapal yg memiliki mesin pendingin
karena membutuhkan suhu yg dingin - Fruit, meats, and dairy produce which need cold
temperature are generally carried in refrigerated ship
ini penting sekali mempelajari bahasa asing terutama sekali bahasa inggris
untuk pelaut - It is
important to learn foreign languages particularly English for seaman nowadays
diesel membakar minyak diesel yg disuntikan kedalam silinder dibawah tekanan
tinggi - The diesel
engine burn the diesel oil, which is injected into the cylinder high pressure
Bantu meliputi semua mesin dikapal kecuali mesin induk dan ketel - Auxiliary machinery include all
mechanical machinery on board except main engine and boiler
saya kembali ke kapal dua jam lalu mereka sudah selesai
memperbaiki mesin yg rusak itu - When I back two hours ago, they had
finished repairing the trouble engine
kamu kenal dengan perwira muda yg sedangberbicara dengan KKM?
Do you
know the young officer, who is talking with the chief engineer
yg menyediakan arus listrik yg digunkan untuk banyak peralatan kelistrikan dan
penerangan diatas kapal, biasanya digerakan oleh turbin uap pada kapal turbin
dan oleh mesin diesel pada kapal motor - The generators that provide the electric current used
for any electrical equipment and lighting on board ship are commonly driven by
steam turbines on a turbine propelled ship and by diesel engines on a motor vessel
kapal curah kering memuat muatannya sendiri, Adalah penting untuk menjaga
stabilitas kapal dan untuk memastikan bahwa muatan tidak akan bergeser selama
pelayaran - Although
dry bulk cargo stows it self, it is important to maintain the ship stability
and to make sure that the cargo will not move during voyage
diesel adalah termasuk dari mesin pembakaran dalam dan tenaganya dinyatakan
dalam satuan tenaga kuda -
The diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine and its power is expressed
as brake horsepower (bhp)
pengatur kekentalan yg secara otomatis mengendalikan temperature dari bahan
bakar minyak yg meninggalkan alat pemanas untuk memelihara sifat kekentalannya
didalam batas yg dekat -
A viscosity regulator automatically controls the temperature of the oil fuel
leaving the heater to maintain its viscosity within close limits
listrik yg dihasilkan dynamo dipergunakan untuk penerangan -Electric power is produced by the dynamo
used for lighting in ship
diesel terdiri dari silinder dimana torak dapat bergerak bebas turun naik – The diesel engine consist of cylinders
which the piston can be reciprocating motion
jaga malam hari diatas kapal merupakan periode yg paling kritis terhadap
tanggung jawab masinis jaga di kamar mesin – The night duty on board are the most critical period
for responsible of engineer duty in engine room
Generator baru yg dipesan oleh perusahaan akan dipasang
dikapal kami minggu ini - The new generator which is ordered by
company will be installed in our ship this week
waktu pemeriksaan ketel ditemukan bahwa dua buah pipa karatan - At the time observing of boiler is
found that two pipe is rusty
harus dirawat dengan teratur untuk menghindari kerusakan - Engines should be regularly maintained to
avoid break downs
pengaman dipasang untuk menghindari kecelakaan dan kerusakan serius - Safety valve is fitted to protect from
accident and serious break downs
dikurangi untuk menurunkan beban pada mesin - Speed is reduced
to lighter of load main engine
air laut semuanya dicat biru dan pipa-pipa air tawar dicat hijau - All pipes of sea water is painted with
blue color and pipes of fresh water with green color
ada dua atau tiga motor bantu dikamar mesin, yang digunakan secara bergantian - At engine room usually two or three auxiliary engine is used with
regularly changing
In steam turbine high pressure steam is
directed into a series of blades or vanes attached to a shaft, causing it to rotate,
this rotary motion is transferred to the propeller shaft by gear. Steam is
produced by boiling water in a boiler, which is fired by oil. Recent
developments in steam turbines which have reduce fuel consumption and raised
power output have made then power attractive as an alternative to diesel power
in ship, they are 50% lighter and on very large tanker, some of the steam can
be used to drive the large cargo oil pumps, turbines are often used in
container ship, which travel at high speed
turbin uap, tekanan uap tinggi diarahkan keserangkaian sudu sudu yg terpasang
pada sebuah poros yg menyebabkannya berputar, putaran ini diteruskan kepada
poros baling baling oleh roda gigi. Uap dihasilkan dari pembakaran air didalam
ketel, yg mana pembakarannya oleh pembakaran bahan bakar.Perkembangan terakhir
pada turbin uap yg mana dapat mengurangi pemakaian bahan bakar dan meningkatkan
tenaga keluar sebagai sebuah pilihan terhadap tenaga diesel dikapal, turbin uap
50 % lebih ringan dan pada beberapa kapal tangker besar, uap dapat digunakan
untuk mengoperasikan pompa muatan yg besar, turbin turbin ini kadang kadang
digunakan di kapal kapal peti kemas yg mana berlayar dengan kecepatan tinggi
Gas turbines differ from steam turbines in
that gas rather than steam is used turn a shaft. These have also become more
suitable for use in ships. Many naval vessels are powered by gas turbines and
several container ships are fitted with them. A gas turbines engine is very
light and easily removed for maintenance. It also suitable for complete
- Turbin gas berbeda dengan turbin uap,
karenanya gas lebih diminati dibanding uap untuk menggerakan poros, Turbin gas
juga lebih sesuai untuk kapal kapal, beberapa kapal perang digerakan oleh
turbin gas dan beberapa kapal peti kemas cocok menggunakannya. Sebuah mesin turbin gas
sangat ringan dan mudah dibuka untuk perawatan, Turbin gas juga sesuai untuk
dilengkapi dengan system otomat.
During a voyage the ship is operated
for 24 hours a day
The purser is the
head of catering department
Steam is produced by
boiling water in a boiler
Diesel or gasoline engine burn
their fuel inside the cylinder
Coupling and nipples are used for
connecting two straight pipes
Cement mash mixture of cement powder and
fresh water
Elbow or bend fitting used
for changing the direction of pipe line
Gasoline A clean and dear liquid
consisting the composition of hydrogen and carbon
Poor lubrication causes friction
Breakdown result from lack
of maintenance
Heat loss leads to a
reduction in power
Accident are caused by carelessness
Instability is the cause of structural
The engine reduced speed slowing
the ship down
Friction is increased by making
a surface rougher
Reducing the carbon content make
it softer
The hole had to be mode large before
the golf would fit
The gap between the two vessels become
Careful navigation is caused
by good management
A gas turbine engine is more light
and easy removed
A diesel engine is more economical
than a patrol engine
architects design ship
are designed by naval architects
royal navy has ordered two new worship
Two new
worship have been ordered by the royal navy
they make ships of steel
are made of steel nowadays by them
built the tanker in six month
tanker was built in six month by men
are painting the hull
hull is being painted by them
queen will launch the tanker tomorrow
tanker will be launch tomorrow by the queen
can join two pieces of metal together by welding
pieces of metal can be joined together by welding
we weighed the piece of metal
the piece of metal was weighed by us
must prepare the plates properly
plates must be prepared properly by people
had to repair the bows
bows had to be repaired by them
used to build ships of wood
are used to build of wood by them
design OBO ships to carry liquid and dry cargo
ships are designed to carry liquid and dry cargo by us
life buoy safe the man from drowning
- The man was saved by the life buoy from
compass will help you to find the right course
- To find the right course will be help you by
the compass
steam turbine High pressure steam is / blades directed
into a series of
attached to a shaft causing
it to rotate, This
rotary motion is transferred to the propellers shaft by gears. Steam
is produced by boiling
water in A boiler which is
fired by oil
Responsibility for
auxiliary machinery is often
delegated to individual
engineer officer, each one taking
responsibility for
the efficient working of
certain items. A lot of equipment is
duplicated so that
for example one generator can be overhauled
with out cutting of the supply of electricity to the ship
chief engineer is head of the engine department. He is assisted
by second, third, fourth and sometimes fifth engineer, An
electrical officer may also be carried. The engine room petty
officers are storekeeper and pump man on tankers, there is
also a. donkey man He is also a petty officer. The
engine room ratings are fireman and greasers
diesel engine is a form of Internal
combustion similar to that used
in bus
horse power is the power developed by the
piston in the cylinder
diesel engine which have cylinder nearly 3 ft in
diameter turn at the relatively Slow speed of 108 Rpm
In steam
turbines high pressure steam is directed into A series of blades attached to a shaft
power in ship has mainly been confined to naval vessels
A gas
turbine is very light and easily
removed for maintenance
turbine differ from steam turbine
nuclear power ship differ from
a conventional ship
carry life boat so that crews
and passengers can get there if the ship have emergency situation for abandon
worked hard for final best work
should be worn when you welding or grinding
Do not
enter because this room for crew only and you is passenger
If the
weather is bad we will arrive tomorrow morning
ships are designed to carry cargo, this cargo may be divided into two
basic types : bulk cargo and general cargo
What would happen if there was water in the fuel? The engine Rpm can not stabile and the engine will be
What are the functions of lubrication oil?
Function of
lubrication oil is for lubricating inside part of engine and also for cooling
the engine
Does a gas turbine differ from steam turbine?
Yes, a gas turbine
is differ from steam turbine
Where are bunker stored? Bunker stored in tanks
What would happen if the valve from the fuel
supply tank was not open? If the valve from the fuel supply tank was not
open, the engine will be failed to start
What would you do if the oil viscosity was
too high? If the oil
viscosity was too high, I will be heating the oil by heater.
Where would you look if the engine was
running too fast? If the engine was running too fast, I will
arrange the governor.
When is it sometimes necessary to adjust the
fuel pump? Necessary time
to adjust the fuel pump while the timing of burning fuel oil on cylinder is
What would you do if one of the filters was
chocked? If one of the
filters was chocked, I will change that filter but before I close her valve.
Who is on duty in the engine room during the
middle watch? On duty in
the engine room during middle watch is third engineer.
What is the name of watch between midnight
and 04.00 ? The name of
watch between midnight and 04.00 is Middle watch
chief engineer is responsible for the efficient running of engine department
-The efficient running of engine room is
responsible of chief engineer
-Responsible of chief engineer is efficient
running of engine department
functions of a thermometer is to measure temperature
-Temperature is measured by thermometer
-Thermometer is functioned to measure
-Measuring of temperature is function of
snatch block is used for lifting heavy objects
-Heavy object is lifted use a snack block
-Lifting heavy object use a snatch block
-Using of snatch block is lift heavy object
Application Letter
Penggilingan 35 Rt 3/6 cakung Jakarta Timur Indonesia
Nippon Kaiji Co.
Dear Sir,
I have seen the advertisement for a Second
Engineer that you have placed in the Shipping Gazette yesterday, April 12th,
2002 and wish to apply for this position
I am a 28 year old man, and I have just
graduated from the academy
of BP3IP Jakarta where I
studied from 2006 until this year. I have received my Engineer Officer Class
Since leaving school, I have been working as
a second engineer for sterlink investment Pte Ltd, however I am eager to
broaden my horizons and work in a larger company, and I feel this is the
perfect opportunity to do so
I have enclosed a recommendation from the
BP3IP, I am able to attend an interview at any given time, and can start work
Sincerely yours,
Muhamad Karudin
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